These strange temperatures and weather patterns are certainly confusing for both the bees and the beekeepers. If you are seeing flight activity around your hive(s), don’t assume the hive is back in warm weather mode. Most of the bees you see emerging are likely doing cleansing flights. It will be a while before they start foraging and gathering flights. For now, it’s very important that you monitor the hive and make sure there are adequate food sources and open entrances. March is a critical transition month and hive starvation is common if you aren’t checking. On these mild days, peek into the hive and make sure your hard candy (sugar bricks) and spring pollen patties are still sufficient. Checking the hives every 7-10 days will ensure that the colony doesn’t starve and successfully transitions into spring activities. You should also check your entrance to make sure it’s not blocked by dead bees. Temporarily remove your mouse guard and using a stick or long screwdriver, scrape out the dead bees. When you are done, be sure and put the mouse guard back on. At the meeting next month, we will talk about equipment, how to care for your bees in the spring, and how to install new bee packages and nucs. If you are planning to order bee packages or nucs from Max Martin, please email or text your order to him right away.