August 15, 2018 – Bee keepers, it is almost the end of August. It is time to pull your honey off your hives and start to raise some fat bees for the winter.
I will pull all my honey off at the first of September, do a mite check and treat if necessary. I’ll check my queens for age it they are marked and if they are older than 2 years, or doing poorly, I will requeen the hive with new queens after my mite treatment. I will add a half a pollen substitute paddy and start to feed them heavy sugar water. Weak hives will be combined.
See you on August 28th for the Hive Dive at the Crossroads Flow Hive. We’ll meet at 5:30 PM. This is the club hive located along the trails at Crossroads, just south of the Collins Learning Center. I will be checking the hive and demonstrating how honey is harvested from a flow hive. Following the honey harvest, I will demonstrate a powder sugar roll test for mites.
Our 6:30 PM Club Meeting will be at the Collins Learning Center at Crossroads.